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2023 Events

Gather at Advent at 8:30am for prayer, donuts and coffee.


GAP Cleanup Sat 9/9

9:00am - 12:00pm Noon

Coordinator: Pastor Jason

Clean Up Around GAP Building.


Property/Little Free Pantry Sat 9/9

9:00am - 12:00pm 

Coordinator: Mike Gamlen

Improve Property Grounds.


Pick Up Trash at the River Sat. 9/9


Coordinator: Hope Lingenfelter, Lisa Krog, Kate Peterson & Pastor Andrea

Downtown Trash Bash clean up.


Community Garden, Sat 9/9 & Sun 9/10

9:00am - 12:00pm; 10:45am-Noon

Coordinator: Jim Smith

Clearing areas of Community Garden to make new bed areas. Planting, clearing, waste removal, etc.


Card Making Sat. 9/9 & Sun. 9/10

9am-Noon; 10:45am-12:00pm

Coordinator: Gina Hammock

Making seasonal cards for homebound members and the community.


Bagging, Sun 9/10 10:45am-12:00pm

Coordinator: Lynn Reed

Bagging Cutlery, rice/grits and double bag groceries bags in the Fellowship Hall


 Gift Bags for Homebound Sun. 9/10

9am-Noon; 10:45-Noon

Coordinator: Gina Hammock

Assembling Gift Bags for Homebound


School Supply Drive Sun. 9/10


Coordinator: Heather Herrmann

Sorting and bagging school supplies for delivery.


Blood Drive, Shepheard Community Blood Center 9/9


Coordinator: Heather Herrmann

Group goes to Shepheard to donate blood together.


Prayer Shawl Yarn Collection 9/9 & 9/10

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Coordinator: Kath Gamlen

Collect Yarn for future Prayer Shawl Ministry. Make Prayer Shawl Tags.


Little Free Pantry Food Drive, Sat 9/9 & Sun 9/10

Coordinator: Kath Gamlen

Collecting & Sorting Non-Perishable items for the Pantry.